Laugh Out Loud Stories Of Culture Shock That Every Traveler Can Relate To

03 Oct 2024

Every country has its unique customs and way of life. Many people who move from one country to another often say it can be incredibly challenging to adapt to their new environment, usually due to cultural differences. In this article, we’ll explore some funny ways people experience these cultural differences while traveling. If you’re as passionate about traveling as we are, you’ll find a few situations you can relate to.  

A German Summer

It's fair to say that Germany doesn't have the most pleasant weather year-round. In fact, during the winter (and much of autumn and spring), there's a lot of rain, plenty of snow, and freezing temperatures.


However, summer brings a dramatic improvement. That’s why many Germans seize the opportunity to travel abroad during the summer holidays, escaping to warmer destinations.

First-World Struggles

When comparing first-world countries to second- and third-world nations, one of the most noticeable differences is the everyday challenges people face. This cartoon perfectly illustrates how first-world problems seem trivial compared to the struggles in poorer, less developed countries.


While we can all agree that having your country start with a letter lower in the alphabet might be a minor inconvenience, having to scroll down on your laptop isn’t really a big deal. Just think about Zimbabwe — they’re last in the alphabet and a third-world country.  

Rice in Asia vs. the Rest of the World

Rice is a staple food in Asia and is often regarded as the national dish of the region. Naturally, it’s sold in much larger quantities compared to other parts of the world.


For example, when an Asian traveler visits Europe, they might need to buy at least five bags of rice to equal just one bag sold in Asia. We have to admit, Europe definitely has some of the smallest portion sizes we’ve ever encountered!

Scandinavia vs. Latin America

If you’ve ever visited a Scandinavian country, you’ll know that the people follow very particular traditions. Simple gestures often carry more weight than they would in other parts of the world.


For instance, some Scandinavians might find it rude to be offered food upon entering someone’s home, as it could imply they can’t provide for themselves. In contrast, in Latin America, declining food is seen as disrespectful, suggesting you don’t appreciate your host’s cooking.

Trash Music in Taiwan

If you’ve ever been to Taiwan, you’re likely familiar with the infamous ‘Fur Elise’ garbage truck situation. In simple terms, all garbage trucks play this Beethoven classic while collecting trash, serving as a reminder for residents to put out their garbage if they haven’t done so yet.


This may seem like a peculiar song choice to many foreigners. However, it has become somewhat of a tradition for the Taiwanese people. It’s pretty funny how one of the most well-known pieces of music can be referred to as ‘trash music,’ isn’t it?

Crimes Against Italian Cuisine

Italian cuisine is often regarded as the finest in the world. Italians are known for creating iconic dishes like pizza and a variety of delicious pastas. It's fair to say that they are quite passionate about their food, which is why they can be quite particular about certain practices.


For instance, adding ketchup to spaghetti is a major faux pas. It's unclear why tomato-based sauce is acceptable but ketchup is seen as an abomination. But who are we to dispute their culinary traditions?

Unrelated One-Liner Jokes

Who doesn't enjoy a good laugh? We've compiled a selection of random jokes that we personally find hilarious and think you will too! Our favorite has to be the one about the boomerang, as it aligns perfectly with our theme of cultural differences.


The boomerang is a traditional Australian toy that supposedly returns to its owner after being thrown. We’re not sure if it actually works but it certainly sounds a bit dangerous!

Hospitality in Arab Culture

If you’re looking to meet some of the friendliest people in the world, we highly recommend a visit to the Arab World, which encompasses the countries of North Africa and the Middle East. When you explore these regions, you’ll be greeted with unparalleled hospitality. As this cartoon illustrates, the people in this area will go above and beyond to make you feel welcome and at home.


Just be cautious about what you compliment, as you might end up leaving with much more than you bargained for! This region is a fantastic travel destination for many reasons, including its rich history, breathtaking landscapes, and delicious cuisine. However, it’s the warmth of the people that truly makes it one of our top holiday spots, even though we’ve never personally been offered a home while visiting.

The Biggest Hassle When Traveling

It’s safe to say that traveling is rarely a hassle-free experience. We often encounter some kind of mishap or inconvenience along the way. This could range from minor issues, like a slight flight delay, to major problems, such as losing an essential piece of luggage. Regardless, it’s important to stay calm while traveling since things won’t always go as planned; after all, it's part of the journey.


However, based on our experiences, it’s often the simplest things that can really set someone off when traveling. For instance, have you ever been seated behind someone on a plane who suddenly reclines their chair all the way back? We won’t say this is enough to ruin a trip entirely but it can certainly put a damper on the mood.

Tooth Customs

When we were kids, we all heard various tales. In the U.S. and many English-speaking nations, there's the Tooth Fairy tradition. Kids place their baby teeth under their pillows at night, and in the morning, the tooth is swapped for money. In Italy, the practice is quite similar but they have a Tooth Ant instead of a fairy. In Argentina, children place their lost teeth in a glass of water, which is then exchanged for cash.


In Thailand, though, the tradition takes a different turn: kids throw their teeth onto the roof. Instead of receiving money, this act is believed to bring good luck. We have to admit, it seems like a bit of a raw deal compared to children in other countries who get to pocket some coins for their lost teeth.

The Metric vs. Imperial System

The metric system is the most commonly used system of measurement around the world. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, the U.S. continues to rely on the Imperial system, creating confusion for travelers visiting different countries. As illustrated in this cartoon, those who use the metric system often seize opportunities to explain to Americans why the Imperial system is illogical.


We get that adopting the metric system would be easier but for those raised with Imperial measurements, making the switch can be quite challenging. That said, let’s be real — with technology available to us nearly all the time, converting between the two measurement systems is relatively simple.

The Different Types of Plug Outlets Around the World

Different countries use various plug outlets, which can complicate things for travelers. This adds yet another consideration to your checklist before embarking on your next international trip. For instance, if you're a European visiting the United States, you'll need to purchase a special adapter to charge and use your electronics. The same applies to Australia, which has its own distinct outlets.


If you travel frequently, you’ll likely build up quite the collection of adapters over the years. Just be sure to remember which one corresponds to each country! The Australian adapter is easy to identify: it resembles the Ghostface mask from Scream.

When does Father’s Day take place?

If you’re planning a trip to a new country with your dad, be sure to check when Father’s Day is celebrated in that location. You might assume it’s the same day everywhere, like Christmas or Halloween but that’s not the case at all. In the United States, Father’s Day is celebrated at the end of June, while in Germany, it falls on May 26th.


In Denmark, it’s observed on June 5th each year. Luxembourg is an exception, celebrating this holiday in October for some unknown reason. As you can see, there are many factors to consider before embarking on your next international adventure. Traveling involves more than just packing your bags, booking a ticket, and exploring.

A Dark Sense of Humor

For some reason, everything seems to slow down when we're in a hurry. When traveling, we become acutely aware of the clock, knowing we have to be at certain places by specific times. This is a major factor in why many people find traveling so stressful. However, nothing adds to that stress more than relying on someone else when you're pressed for time.


For instance, you might think you have just enough time to grab a coffee or a quick snack at the airport, only to realize you’re the only one in a hurry as soon as you order. It often feels like everyone at the airport is on a mission to take their time. Our advice? If you're unsure whether you have enough time between flights to grab a coffee, it’s better to skip it.

Waking Up on a School Day Compared to a Holiday

Everyone knows how exhausting it can be to wake up without any enthusiasm for the day ahead. Kids feel drained when getting up for school, while adults lack energy for work. However, everything shifts when there’s something exciting on the horizon.


We don’t know about you but the night before a big trip or holiday often finds us tossing and turning in anticipation! Suddenly, instead of fighting to get out of bed, we wake up feeling more energized than ever. If only we could have that holiday feeling every day…

Misleading Friends

Learning languages can be incredibly challenging — especially English. If you have a Spanish-speaking friend who occasionally makes mistakes, you might want to hesitate before correcting them, as it can be frustrating to be wrong all the time. As the cartoon illustrates, "false friends" refers to words in Spanish that sound like they should have similar meanings in English but don’t.


For instance, the word "éxito" might seem like it means "exit" but it actually translates to "success." There are many of these false friends, which is part of why English is particularly tough for native Spanish speakers to master. Instead of constantly pointing out their errors, try to appreciate their effort in learning a completely new language!

The Communication Gap

As we've mentioned, learning languages can be incredibly challenging. In our view, French is among the toughest, primarily due to its unique and distinct accents. Some words can be difficult to read, let alone pronounce. Nonetheless, French is one of the most widely spoken languages globally, making it a common subject in many high schools. For us, French was definitely our weakest subject in school.


To be honest, we can’t fault the kid in this cartoon for relying on an online translator to complete his essay. However, the fact that it ended up being in Spanish is pretty amusing. He should at least be able to distinguish between the two languages!

Hotel Thermostats

Everyone enjoys staying in hotels. A vacation doesn’t quite feel complete without one. However, we can’t deny that there are a few aspects of hotel stays that just don’t make sense. Take the thermostat, for instance. It seems that no matter what temperature you set it to, the room is either too hot or too cold — even if you adjust it just a notch.


We’ve learned it’s often easier to open the window if it gets too warm because tinkering with the thermostat usually isn’t worth the hassle. If you happen to find a hotel with a thermostat that actually works well, consider yourself fortunate. Such gems are rare, even in those fancy five-star resorts that charge a pretty penny for a night’s stay!

An Ineffective Phrase

Different countries have unique sayings for the same situations. Take the expression "you can’t have your cake and eat it too," for example. To English speakers, this phrase doesn’t really make sense, as you can indeed have your cake while eating it. However, in Italian, the equivalent saying is "You want the wine barrel full and the wife drunk," which seems much more logical! In Albanian, the saying is "You want to take a swim and not get wet," while the Ukrainian version translates to "you can’t sit on two chairs."


Considering that English is the world’s international language, it’s surprisingly difficult to learn because many of its expressions are quite confusing. And don’t even get us started on the exceptions and slang terms!

Travel Tips for Visiting Somalia

While every country in the world has its own unique and beautiful offerings, some places simply aren't safe for tourists. Unfortunately, Somalia falls into this category due to its prevalence of violent crime, kidnapping, and piracy. This cartoon humorously touches on a serious issue.


In it, two characters are casually discussing countries they would never visit, and you might not realize that one man is actually a kidnapper and the other is his victim. It's safe to say he won’t be returning to Somalia anytime soon. If you're considering a trip to this divided African nation, we recommend taking your family to a safer tourist destination — like Italy or somewhere equally inviting!

The Reality of Winter

In the summer, winter seems like a lovely escape from the oppressive heat and humidity. Conversely, during the winter months, all we can think about are those warm, sunny summer days when we can wear shorts and tank tops while working on our tans. We’re never quite satisfied, are we? The reality is that while some destinations, like Chamonix in France and other popular ski resorts, are wonderful to visit in winter, there’s one simple reason for our laziness during this season.


It’s just too cold to do anything! There’s nothing worse than having to drag yourself out of a warm, cozy bed when it’s freezing outside. Because of this, it’s much easier to stay indoors, snuggle up with a warm blanket, and binge-watch movies.

Various Types of Opportunities

At some point in life, we all have to find a way to make the best of a difficult situation. In this cartoon, a poor family appears to have been evicted from their apartment, yet they seem to be looking on the bright side and considering all the new opportunities ahead. It’s amusing to see how differently we prioritize things.


The mother is excited about new possibilities, while the father just wants to embark on a new adventure. Meanwhile, the child is solely focused on candy, which is pretty relatable. Even the cat has its own dreams! As you might expect, all the cat wants is to sleep. But now that they have to travel to find a new home, the whole world is its playground. Just think of all the napping opportunities!

Complimentary Housing

In today’s world, nothing comes for free. However, there is one group of people who do have access to complimentary accommodation — they just have to give up a few other luxuries, like their freedom and a clean criminal record. Yes, we’re talking about prisoners. In this funny cartoon, one character learns that the person he’s speaking with has technically "been" to Asia since he spent two years in prison in Malacca.


However, since he didn’t pay rent, he can’t really say he "lived" there. We don’t know about you but we’d definitely back away slowly if we ever encountered someone who spent two years in an Asian prison. He must have done something pretty serious to earn that much jail time!

Language of Anxiety Dreams

It’s said that our dreams are simply a reflection of our deepest thoughts. For instance, if you’re anxious about an upcoming exam or work presentation, you’re more likely to dream about it. Additionally, there’s a belief that if you dream in a foreign language, you’ve officially become fluent in it. However, learning a new language is incredibly challenging.


The toughest part is having the confidence to speak in front of someone who is fluent. What if you mispronounce something, and they laugh at you? It’s easy to see how anxiety-related language dreams can be a reality, as mustering the courage to practice what you’ve learned can be quite intimidating.

Serene Until Compared to an Australian

If you’re in search of some of the friendliest people in the world, we highly recommend visiting New Zealand. This Pacific nation is not only famous for its stunning beaches, lush landscapes, and beautiful mountain ranges but its residents are also known for being among the calmest and most polite around.


However, if you really want to irritate a New Zealander, just compare them to Australians. We’re not exactly sure why this is so offensive to them… but then again, we’re neither from New Zealand nor Australia, so what do we know?It’s actually quite easy to distinguish between New Zealand and Australian accents once you notice the subtle changes in pitch. But if you’re uncertain, it’s best to avoid referring to their nationality — just to be on the safe side!

The Challenge of Learning a New Language

Anyone who has ever attempted to learn a new language knows exactly how challenging it can be. One of the toughest aspects of the journey is finding opportunities for real-life practice. In fact, it’s often said that the only way to truly become fluent is to visit a country where the language is spoken. This way, you’ll frequently hear others using it and, more importantly, get the chance to practice speaking it yourself.


However, when fluent speakers realize you’re a foreigner, they often switch to English, thinking it will be easier for you. This completely undermines the reason you’re learning the new language in the first place! If both of you can speak English, what’s the point of investing so much time in a language that you may never actually get to use?

Moved Up to First Class

Flying can take a significant toll on the body. To make the experience more comfortable, we often bring a variety of comfort items on board, such as earplugs, an eye mask, and a face mask. To be honest, with all these aids, it’s almost as if we completely disconnect from our surroundings. As this cartoon humorously suggests, we might as well just place a trash can over our heads!


At least that way, we could enjoy some peace and quiet. Even better, no one would bother us during the flight, because who would want to talk to someone with a trash can on their head?

Squirrel or Ecureuil?

Different languages have varying pronunciations. For instance, an English word might sound incredibly odd and challenging to pronounce for a French person, and the same goes the other way. In fact, the word "squirrel" is famously difficult for French speakers to pronounce. In French, "squirrel" translates to "écureuil," which is also one of the trickiest words for English speakers to say.


It’s quite peculiar that the same word poses such a challenge in two different languages. According to this artist, though, that wasn’t funny enough to be the punchline of the comic, so he decided to gradually transform the characters into squirrels themselves.

The Epic Story of S’mores

Most people enjoy a good, scary story. There’s nothing quite like gathering around a campfire under the night sky, cozy and warm, sharing either made-up or possibly real tales. This cartoon is inspired by a legendary tale of American cuisine. Judging by the characters’ expressions in the second frame, you might think he’s sharing some gruesome details about a frightening story.


In reality, he’s just describing the s’more, one of the most beloved American desserts. If you’ve never had s’mores, we can’t recommend them highly enough. A layer of melted marshmallow and chocolate sandwiched between two toasted graham crackers — just thinking about it is making our mouths water!

Time for a Siesta

If you're from America (or anywhere outside of Europe, really), the idea of a siesta might seem completely unfamiliar. Just picture it: every afternoon, around midday, you get a few hours off work to relax and recharge. To us, it sounds like a brilliant concept. Just think about how much more productive you could be after taking some time to reset following a busy morning.


We don’t know about you but we often struggle with afternoon slumps. Even the most essential workers, like police officers, take their afternoons off! What can we say? Everyone deserves some time to enjoy the finer things in life. We just hope they have someone on standby in case of an emergency.

Family Vacation Pictures

Family vacation photos often seem to be the worst pictures ever taken. It might be due to the lighting or just an inexperienced photographer… Regardless, we've definitely captured our share of awful holiday photos over the years. As this cartoon suggests, family photos typically show members standing awkwardly in front of a backdrop.


Plus, it always seems like the photo is taken with everyone facing directly into the sun, resulting in a lot of awkward squinting. Our personal favorite vacation shots have to be the selfies. The photographer often awkwardly captures only half of their head in the frame, while everyone else crams together in the background to fit in. Absolutely priceless.

Challenges of Learning a Language

Ah, yes, another frustrating aspect of learning a new language. If you’ve ever tried using a language learning book, you know that it can feel like it takes ages to make any real progress. The first few chapters often seem entirely pointless. As the cartoon humorously points out, why do you need to learn airport vocabulary when picking up a new language?


Everyone at the airport speaks different languages, so it doesn’t really help! Next, you’ll typically learn how to introduce yourself. By the end of the first couple of months, you’ll confidently be able to say your name and that you don’t speak the language in question.

Vietnamese Coffee Is the Finest

Coffee is a highly debated beverage. Some people can't live without it, while others absolutely detest it. Regardless of your stance, there’s no denying that it’s one of the most consumed drinks worldwide. Each country seems to have its own unique variation of coffee. Take Vietnam, for example. While they are known for many things, their coffee is often regarded as one of the best in the world.


This is largely due to the use of condensed milk in the drink. If you’ve never tried condensed milk, we highly recommend it. When mixed with coffee, it creates the perfect blend of sweetness, bitterness, and deliciousness.

Listening in on Conversations

If you’re an English person who has spent more than a few weeks in a foreign country, you know the immense relief that comes from hearing another English speaker. It can be incredibly challenging to go for months without someone who shares your language. In fact, many Europeans often feel annoyed when someone tries to speak English to them.


It's also easy to overlook the simple joys of conversing with those around you in the same language. Just imagine not being able to eavesdrop on everyone else's conversations!

Ground Floor or First Floor?

Even the smallest details can vary significantly between countries. Take the floor numbering system in the USA and Europe, for instance. In America, the first floor is actually the ground floor, while the second floor is designated as the first floor, and so forth. In contrast, in Europe, the ground floor is simply labeled as ‘floor 0,’ and the numbering continues from there.


This can make it quite confusing when trying to locate your hotel room! We believe that the ground should be considered a floor, so labeling it as the ‘first floor’ makes perfect sense.

No Avoiding Jet Lag

In the past, people tried everything possible to avoid jet lag. There's nothing worse than spending a day traveling only to be completely wiped out for the next few days. Regardless of our efforts, jet lag always managed to sneak up on us. No amount of coffee can keep you awake when you're running on empty!


Today, it seems that people have simply come to accept that the first few days after a long trip will mostly involve sleeping and adjusting to the new time zone. There's so much to see and do but exploring is never enjoyable when you're feeling exhausted.

Airplane Lavatories

We don’t know about you but airplane bathrooms always intimidated us when we were kids. Even as adults, we still find them a bit puzzling. Where does everything go? It feels like everything just gets sucked away into the atmosphere. This might explain why these toilets are so daunting for many people.


Rest assured, there’s likely a perfectly reasonable explanation for the loud noise that the toilet makes when you hit the ‘flush’ button. At least, we hope there is!

Fiery Yet Flavorful

Spicy food isn't for everyone. However, in certain regions of the world, it plays a fundamental role in every meal — and we’re not exaggerating. If you’ve ever seen a stereotypical film featuring countries like India, you’ll understand what we mean. Countries like Indonesia and Thailand are famous for their incredibly spicy dishes.


If you plan to visit these places, we strongly suggest carrying a carton of milk with you; trust us, you’ll need it when dining out! But don’t worry — many locals also struggle with the heat of their cuisine. It's common to see diners sweating from the intense burn of their meals. Yes, it's that extreme!

Is the UK Considered Part of Europe?

A few years ago, the UK initiated Brexit, marking its departure from the European Union. Given that the UK is just a few kilometers from the European mainland, many found this decision difficult to accept. As the cartoon illustrates, Britain is on the same continental shelf, meaning it is technically part of the European continent, regardless of any legalities.


We hate to inform the guy in this cartoon but his sentiments don't change the geographical reality of Britain. However, if the Brits feel they don't share the same cultural norms as other Europeans, they might consider following the US's lead and setting the legal drinking age at 21. We’d be curious to see how that would be received by the public.

A Little Inquisitive

We couldn't resist sharing this cartoon because it's genuinely hilarious (if you're a fan of dad jokes, that is)! We certainly are, which is why this one resonates with us. One character begins by introducing his friend, known for his knack for off-the-beaten-path travel. However, he cautions that his friend can be a bit nosy.


He even shares a bunch of nose-related facts about him, which initially seems a bit odd. But when the new character appears, it's clear why he referred to him as 'nosy.' His nose is undeniably huge! Still, we’d love to hear about his travel adventures…
