Sneaky Tricks That'll Change How You See Rules Forever

24 Jul 2024

Have you ever tried to cheat the system? It's when there are rules that seem to be impossible to break but this is only at first glance. There are some people who know how to get around these rules without giving themselves away. Read our article about 50 people who managed to deceive everyone and get away with it.

1. One-Man Theater

The prohibited sign lists almost all the vehicles that are not allowed to ride here. But the man in the photo managed to deceive the authors of this sign because they did not indicate that you cannot ride a unicycle here. What a clever move, isn't it?

1. One-Man Theater.png?format=webp@Privy-Ws/

As it turns out, in some cases, a little creativity and ingenuity are enough to bring your plans to life and outwit everyone. This man managed to stand out with his idea and, literally, get into a story that went viral thanks to attentive Internet users.

2. Knight's Move

Are you in a hurry and can't park quickly? Here's a life hack from the author of the photo. He parked his car and put a regular ticket, folded in half, on the window of his vehicle. Now the police won't be able to find him, as they are sure it has already been done before.

2. Knight's Move.jpg?format=webp@igxbaddies/

The approach is fire but of course, there is a nuance. If this driver is caught and his cunning plan is revealed, he will definitely be fined, and it will be a much larger amount than he would have faced if he had simply parked in the wrong place. There are two sides to everything.

3. When it's Forbidden to Drink Alcohol in the Pool

When you have a very strong desire, you can't stop a person from realizing their plans. And then the most creative ideas will come to life. This lady exceeded all expectations, she wanted to relax too much. She cleaned a tube of sunscreen and filled it with alcohol.

3. When it's Forbidden to Drink Alcohol in the Pool.jpg?format=webp@lostateminor/

Now no one would suspect her of cheating. And she will be able to enjoy her vacation by the pool with a bottle of delicious wine. No wonder they say that nothing is impossible, there are just people who are looking for a reason not to do something.

4. Single Side Paper for Notes

Students are the most cunning people. They know how to survive exams and how to skillfully hide their cribs. At the same time, they comply with teachers' requests. The students were allowed to bring one-sided paper for notes to the exam.

4. Single Side Paper for Notes .jpg?format=webp@Jack114555/

In the photo, you can see how the students managed to beat this situation. We hope that their deception did not backfire and that they passed the exam. We were all students and sometimes we needed a cheat sheet too, is that so bad? The teacher can even add a point for creativity.

5. Listen and Do the Opposite

This is not exactly what the boy's parents probably had in mind when they told their son that the weather was too nice to play outside. Computer games are quickly becoming a favorite pastime for children. And they spend a lot of their time behind the screen.

5. Listen and Do the Opposite.jpg?format=webp@reviewstl/

Instead of going to the garden and chasing a ball or playing with friends, the son just put the computer desk outside so they could keep playing. Of course, it's not realistic to take away technical devices from children's lives but they need to be encouraged to play more outdoor games.

6. Can't Wear Shorts? We'll Wear Skirts Instead

These children were banned from wearing shorts at school. In protest, they wore skirts. In response to the "more formal" policy on school uniforms, (a parent of one of the students) asked the staff if his son could wear custom-made shorts.

6. Can't Wear Shorts? We'll Wear Skirts Instead.jpg?format=webp@goseeruneatdrink/

However, the school claimed that shorts were not part of the school uniform. He was then informed that if his son wanted to wear more weather-appropriate clothing, he could wear a skirt if he wished. The children didn't need much convincing because comfort is more important.

7. Is That Not Romantic?

In this all-boys college, girls are not allowed to enter the room, so movie night looks like this. A guy puts the TV in the window so that it faces the street. The couple sits down on a bench by the window and enjoys watching their favorite movie together all evening. Love, as they say, knows no barriers and will always find a way.

7. Is That Not Romantic?.jpg?format=webp@shewayout/

Because being together is a pleasure, especially when you are young. So, those for whom it is important are looking for ways to spend time together and find them despite all sorts of prohibitions. May such couples continue to be lucky and happy together.

8. There Is No Stopping a True Fan

When passion and loyalty know no bounds, not even a stadium ban can deter a true fan. For one ardent supporter, being barred from the stadium for a year wasn’t the end of the line—it was just a challenge to overcome. And, of course, he did it and managed to shock everyone even the players of his favorite team.

8. There Is No Stopping a True Fan.jpg?format=webp@whatwouldgowrog/

Determined not to miss his beloved team in action, he came up with a bold and imaginative plan: he rented a crane to watch the game from above. A true fan cannot be stopped; they can only be supported in their ingenuity. Love for football often wins out.

9. Once Upon a Time in Brazil

The mayor of the city of Caxias do Sul has banned bar tables from being set up on the sidewalk. He simply forgot that he was in Brazil... Men who did not like this approach found a way out. They set up a cafe with tables and benches on the back of a car.

9. Once Upon a Time in Brazil.jpg?format=webp@rindoalto016/

Now they can drive around the city freely and enjoy each other's company. Forbid it or not, those who want it their way will find a way out of any situation. The main thing, as they say, is the desire and support of like-minded people.

10. The Motorcycle Advantage

Unlike car drivers who are bound by the limitations of traditional parking spaces, motorcycle riders often have more flexibility. This particular rider, faced with a sea of "No Parking" signs and congested streets, decided to think outside the box—literally.

10. The Motorcycle Advantage.jpg?format=webp@megaleks/

He found a clever workaround by placing his motorcycle in a neutral zone, effectively bypassing the restrictions that plagued other vehicles. These neutral zones, while not official parking spaces, offer a loophole for those with the foresight and nerve to use them.11. Stay 'inside': When this mother told her son he wasn't allowed to go outside, this is not what she had in mind.

11. Do It Your Way

When told they cannot go outside, most children start sulking or become restless. But not this boy. Instead of dwelling on his confinement, he opened the door, lay on the floor, and started looking outside. Technically, he stayed at home and did not violate his parents' ban.

11. Do It Your Way.jpg?format=webp@Birtechkids/

But in fact, he managed to fulfill his plan. Children are always looking for ways to realize their plans. This scene emphasizes the incredible ingenuity and creativity of children. Instead of accepting restrictions as a given, they are constantly looking for ways to get their way.

12. Don't Break the Seal

Do you hate it when products come with a sticker that either voids the warranty or forces you to accept an end-user agreement when it's broken? Well, this person decided to game the system by literally opening the software disk from the bottom instead of breaking the seal.

12. Don't Break the Seal.jpg?format=webp@FoferJ/

Technically, he should still be able to return it if he's not satisfied with it, at least we think so. As they say, everything is ingeniously simple, the main thing is just to be smart in time and do everything in a way that benefits you. Sometimes it is very convenient to bend the rules.

13. Parking is Reserved for Green Vehicles

This driver was definitely lucky. The sign clearly states that parking is reserved for green vehicles only. It's cool when you have a car of this color. Whatever you say, it's exactly a talent to buy the right car. And if it's not a common color, it's even cooler.

13. Parking is Reserved for Green Vehicles.jpg?format=webp@TN_BRIDGE/

Sometimes you don't need to be too cunning and invent something, you just need to be lucky and then you can afford anything. And it's also important to pay attention to details, which can also come in handy. If the driver hadn't read the sign, he wouldn't have had such a great parking spot.

14. Best Friend is Always with You

In New York City, dogs that don't fit in a bag are not allowed to ride the subway, so the owner of a large dog put him in a large bag from IKEA. The locals are very resourceful people, especially when it comes to their pets. The authorities simply left them no choice in this case.

14. Best Friend is Always with You.jpg?format=webp@raccoonresellerreturns/

Thus, this story about a dog in an IKEA bag became a symbol of human ingenuity and the ability to adapt to urban restrictions and raised the question of the appropriateness and possible changes to the rules for transporting pets in public transport.

15. Clever Move

A banker in Kentucky came face to face with a very smart grandmother who understood the ridiculous rules for cash withdrawals. The elderly lady managed to beat the rules. She came to the bank to withdraw $10. The bank employee told her that she had to use an ATM to withdraw less than $100.

16. Creativity in Times of Pandemic.jpg?format=webp@SuckerFree/

So, she asked to withdraw $1,000 in $10 bills. It looked strange but the woman's request was honored. After that, she took the $10, gave the banker $990, and told him to put it on deposit. The old lady made the bank employee's day.

16. Creativity in Times of Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought many challenges for businesses. Bars and restaurants found themselves in a difficult situation due to the strict restrictions that were imposed to prevent the spread of the virus. One such restriction was a rule that prohibited the sale of alcohol without the simultaneous purchase of food.

16. Creativity in Times of Pandemic.jpg?format=webp@CrunchThatLeaf/

But one American bar found an ingenious and creative way to get around this rule and continue serving its customers. The bar offered its customers the opportunity to buy alcohol along with a minimum amount of food. The cost of such "meals" was minimal, but it formally satisfied the requirement to buy food with drinks.

17. No Photos Allowed

This rule is found in many art galleries around the world. It is designed to protect original works of art from damage that can be caused by camera flashes, and to ensure that visitors can enjoy the art without the distraction of phone screens.

17. No Photos Allowed.jpg?format=webp@moleman73/

But when restrictions become a creativity challenge, artists often find ways around them. This is the case with one artist who decided to use the rules to her advantage. Instead of trying to sneak a picture of her favorite painting on her phone or camera, she took a canvas and painted at the gallery to create her own copy on the spot.

18. How to Get Around the Ban Creatively

Satellite dishes are strictly prohibited in this building. But how can you stop someone who has decided he can't live without them? Of course not. On the contrary, you'll push them to come up with interesting and extraordinary solutions.

18. How to Get Around the Ban Creatively.jpg?format=webp@rastroboy/

This person painted his TV antenna to match the brick wall so that it would not stand out on the balcony. Now there's no way to find fault with it. Only very attentive people will realize what the catch is. It looks like a very clever solution to the problem.

19. Lighting up Pride

When you're not allowed to fly flags on your front lawn but still want to support Pride Month, what do you do? The photo shows an example of a brilliant solution. The person decided to simply light up the house in the appropriate colors.

19. Lighting up Pride.jpg?format=webp@memon17/

It turned out not only beautiful but also extraordinary. You can be inspired by such an example, so why not. This is proof that almost all rules can be circumvented and played out very well in a way that neither breaks the law nor causes harm.

20. Lucky Day

Catch this cool life hack if you have a sweet tooth. It made you very happy. A couple organized a public declaration of love to take advantage of a tempting offer. Those who do it in their restaurant will be given a dessert by the management.

20. Lucky Day.jpg?format=webp@goals.xoo/

I wish this trick worked in more places, not just restaurants. Because if it did, many people would make fake offers in car dealerships, jewelry stores, and banks for fun. The owners would make so many people happy. As it turns out, this is a very simple solution.

21. An Intricate Device

Many pools have a strict rule: no alcohol is allowed. This is due to safety concerns, as alcohol can reduce reaction and coordination, increasing the risk of accidents on the water. And there is a good reason for the ban, which should not be violated.

21. An Intricate Device.jpg?format=webp@darinda777/

But what if you came to the pool not only to swim but also to have a good time, including with a glass of your favorite drink in hand? They very quickly found a way to drink alcohol in a way that does not violate the ban. We hope that day was a big success for them.

22. With Love

In the camp, this boy was forced to write a letter home. He managed to write only one line and it is not surprising. Camp for kids is a great way to disconnect and have fun. They are not allowed to have phones, so the only form of communication for them is letters. Most kids are so busy having fun that their parents will be lucky to get at least one letter all summer.

22. With Love.jpg?format=webp@frigginiceee/

For this reason, camps sometimes require children to send a letter before they can go to the dining hall or participate in an activity. Fortunately for this boy, they don't check the content of the letters. Take that as a good sign, he's too busy having fun to write! It's enough that he wrote that he loves his mom.

23. A Bed or not a Bed?

This guy came up with an ingenious way to convince his girlfriend that he was at home in bed. All thanks to his loyal friends who not only got him out of the house but also organized an alibi for him. Most likely, this is not the first time they've done it.

23. A Bed or not a Bed?.jpg?format=webp@JayGreatorex/

Hopefully, the girl didn't come to his house to check his words. The boy deserved the highest score for his invention. However, he got the lowest for lying. Sooner or later, deceit eventually backfires. So, you have to be careful with these things.

24. Indian Labyrinth

This is an Indian maze of loopholes that people have built with one goal in mind - to make all bars at least 500 meters away from highways. After all, these are the restrictions adopted by the authorities. However, as always happens, human ingenuity and entrepreneurship found a way around these rules.

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In 2017, the Supreme Court of India made a decision that banned the sale of alcohol at a distance of less than 500 meters from national and state highways. The goal was to reduce the number of accidents caused by drunk driving. This rule has affected a huge number of restaurants, bars, and hotels, especially in densely populated cities where roads are almost everywhere.

25. Improvisation Saves the Day

School uniforms, often strict and uncompromising, are part of the everyday life of many students. It regulates everything from the color of the shirt to the type of shoes. In some schools, there are even details such as a mandatory belt that students must wear.

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But what do you do when the morning rush causes you to forget this essential accessory? One day, one guy forgot to put it on. So, he had to improvise and create this accessory himself. He drew a belt on paper, and added details with a felt-tip pen - and it turned out to be a great accessory. 

26. You Can't Sell, You Can Give

The organizers forbade the vendors to sell drinks, even ordinary water, at the music festival in the heat of the day... However, the vendors found a way out because they were not prohibited from selling peanuts. The price of 1 peanut is 1 dollar. If you buy 1 peanut, you get a bottle of water for free.

26. You Can't Sell, You Can Give.jpg?format=webp@berniethecatch/

The irony of the situation was that they did not formally violate any of the festival's rules: they did not sell water but only gave it away as part of the "peanut purchase" campaign. This was a brilliant example of how a flexible approach and a little creativity can help to circumvent strict rules.

27. While Logic Was Asleep

A woman shared an unforgettable story from her childhood online that is striking. Once upon a time, her mother installed this lock on one of the bathroom drawers so that she could hide the TV remote control when her daughter misbehaved.

27. While Logic Was Asleep.jpg?format=webp@ihatethemaclab/

But her mom hadn't taken into account one thing: the locked drawer should always be on top. Otherwise, the top drawer can be easily removed and the remote control can be taken from the bottom drawer. It seemed like a very simple logic that the child understood but for some reason, her mother did not.

28. Vacation Was Successful

The author's father went to Vegas for 5 days and put a camera in the house to see what she would do while he was away. But this did not stop the girl. She set the camera on a photo of the living room pinned to the wall. While she was having fun.

28. Vacation Was Successful.jpg?format=webp@KevinMieles11/

Now her dad will be able to rest easy too, while his daughter is having fun with her friends in the house. Someday she will share this story with him but for now, let his soul be at peace and they will not have any more reasons to argue.

29. No One Has Canceled the Dress Code

These boys' school has a strict dress code - a suit and tie. However, in winter, they are allowed to wear a coat. Without breaking any rules, he put on the outerwear he liked best. Now he looks more like a bear than a student of a prestigious school.

29. No One Has Canceled the Dress Code.jpg?format=webp@EliteZealot/

But the main thing is that he did not break the basic rules and wore a suit with a tie under his coat. So, the administration will either have to accept this or change the rules. Although the image of this student is just simply incredible.

30. Rules to His Advantage

Technically, this boy is just following the rules. He was forbidden to eat in the living room and use his tablet in the kitchen. He just broke the system and turned the world upside down. Now it will be difficult for his parents to blame him for anything.

30. Rules to His Advantage.jpg?format=webp@BobbyStrebs/

Thanks to children like him, there is hope for the future. This child will become the next Bill Gates or Elon Musk. He thinks very analytically and easily changes the rules to suit himself. Sometimes parental prohibitions are good for children.

31. Landlord Rules

Think your landlord might be the worst? This guy didn't allow his tenant to paint the apartment during the lease but with all the horror stories going around, that seems pretty moderate for a landlord. Instead, the tenant decided to cover the walls with paint samples to create a gradient effect.

31. Landlord Rules.jpg?format=webp@Josh Levy/

Sure, it didn't look like the real accent wall he wanted but at least it's clever and looks great! No one is lost in this story. The tenant got to decorate his home by making it brighter, and the landlord got to keep the walls unpainted as he wanted.

32. Show Your Strengths

If you really want a job, you'll learn new skills. This story is a case where Photoshop skills came in handy. The thing is, the man needed a professional photo in a suit for his resume but he didn't have a suit. The author of the photo didn't want to rent one, so he finally decided to use his Photoshop skills.

32. Show Your Strengths.jpg?format=webp@tw0bears/

He took a photo of a stranger in a suit from LinkedIn and replaced the face with his own. The result is impressive. The photo turned out beautifully, and no one could even guess that it had been processed. This is another reminder that knowledge is not a burden to carry, because you never know when it might come in handy.

33. It Is, Technically, in a Cup

One company has a rule that all drinks must be served in a cup with a straw. However, one employee found a loophole in this rule and did things his own way. He just wanted to drink his drink and obviously didn't really want to throw it away or pour it into a cup.

33. It Is, Technically, in a Cup.jpg?format=webp@egglessomlette/

So, what did he do? He simply put the can in a plastic cup and continued to drink his drink through the straw. After all, the drink was technically in the cup, so the man did not violate any company rules. It is unlikely that the management will be able to argue with him now.

34. Just Business

When you have a strong desire to get something, your brain starts working in the right direction. Education, of course, is not a cheap thing, many young people graduate from college with tens of thousands of debt for education and work for years to pay off the debt. But this guy really didn't want to go that route, so he approached the issue of education thoroughly.

34. Just Business.jpg?format=webp@Arquill/

He studied all the ways to get state funding and chose the fastest, easiest, and at the same time the cheapest, not only in terms of money but also in terms of effort. Nowhere does it say that your business has to be profitable or that you have to pay a certain amount of taxes. So, although the business was not profitable, it was successful, because the guy saved a lot of money.

35. Temporary Paradise for $16

A shrewd Texan, Kenneth Robinson, saw a chance to exploit a legal loophole. A $330,000 house lay vacant, and Robinson seized the opportunity to use adverse possession, a law granting residence rights after prolonged occupancy. He filed a claim to live there for a mere $16!

35. Temporary Paradise for $16.jpg?format=webp@Man arrested after adverse possession of home/

For eight blissful months, Robinson resided in a comfortable home. However, the lack of response from both the abandoned property's owner and the defunct mortgage company couldn't continue indefinitely. The court ultimately ruled against him, classifying him as a squatter, and Robinson was compelled to vacate the premises.

36. Ask for a "Fragile" Sticker for Your Baggage

The suitcase marked with this sticker should be placed on top of the rest of your luggage and will be one of the first to reach the baggage claim conveyor. This means that you can quickly exit this game of human bingo and walk closer to the gate.

36. Ask for a @10 Free Things You Can Get at Airports/

You may have to sign a liability waiver releasing the airline from any damage your fragile items may suffer but if you don't actually have fragile items, you have nothing to lose. This is a great life hack that will allow you to keep your belongings safe without any extra effort.

37. More than Just a Duty

History lessons can be a bit boring, and teachers know it. To combat this, they often allow students to use their imagination to create interesting projects to immerse themselves in the spirit of the times. While some students may try to get around their homework by lying, skipping school, or cheating, this student took a very different approach.

37. More than Just a Duty.jpg?format=webp@elliotttheneko/

For this assignment, he had to write a letter home about the life of a Chinese immigrant. What the teacher did not expect was that the student would write the letter in Chinese! It was a very extraordinary approach, and the idea deserves a high score.

38. A Mileage Millionaire's Tale

David Phillips, a Californian engineer, became an unlikely hero by exploiting a frequent flyer promotion. He discovered a deal offering 1,000 miles for every 10 Healthy Choice product barcodes submitted. Phillips saw an opportunity – pudding cups were cheap and had barcodes!

38. A Mileage Millionaire's Tale.jpg?format=webp@backpackersguide/

He bought a massive quantity – 12,000 pudding cups – for just $3,140. This earned him a staggering 1.2 million frequent flyer miles! Even better, he generously donated the pudding cups to charity. Phillips' ingenuity inspired the subplot for the character in the movie "Punch-Drunk Love" and solidified him as a travel-hacking legend.

39. It's Cool to be Attentive

When you are very attentive, you notice other people's mistakes and can use them to your advantage. My husband immediately figured out that two 12 oz servings cost the same as one 16 oz serving. It is not economically viable to take a large portion. Obviously, the person who set the price had made a big miscalculation. Or he wanted to make money on inattentive customers.

39. It's Cool to be Attentive.jpg?format=webp@[deleted]/

Attention is our everything. This is a very necessary and beneficial trait that often works for us and opens up additional options for us. Train your mindfulness and get bonuses from it. If you forget why you need to be attentive, read this story again in portions.

40. The Gin Express

A clever distillery in Yorkshire, Taplin & Mageean, turned a legal quirk in the UK into a boozy marketing stunt. Impatient for their license to distribute their gin, they exploited a loophole allowing alcohol sales on moving trains. This meant they could skip the wait and get their product directly to customers!

40. The Gin Express.jpg?format=webp@The Taplin & Mageean Gin Train Experience/

They transformed their wait time for the license into a unique "gin-tasting masterclass" aboard a special train journey. Passengers enjoyed a two-and-a-half-hour ride filled with the flavors of their first batch of gin. To make things even smoother, they converted a historic railway building near their location into their packaging hub, ensuring a steady supply for their train-based sales.

41. On the Road to the Dream

If you dream of becoming a writer but you're temporarily working as a cashier because you need the money, that's no reason to give up. You will still find a way to create your masterpiece. This guy used a notebook while working to write his book about bullying but he was forbidden to do so at the workplace. But he didn't give up and started writing down his thoughts on checks.

41. On the Road to the Dream.jpg?format=webp@ArbyLG/

These obstacles only hardened him, and he realized that his real dream was to write a book, and it was not just a whim. He did create the book and additionally received a very interesting (marketing) story of writing a novel, which further attracted attention to his book and inspired others to follow their dreams despite all the obstacles.

42. Silent Symphony

In a playful protest against Spotify's meager payouts to artists, funk band Vulfpeck devised a cunning scheme. Their album, "Sleepify," consisted entirely of 30-second silent tracks. By encouraging fans to play it on repeat while sleeping, Vulfpeck exploited a loophole in Spotify's royalty system.

42. Silent Symphony.jpg?format=webp@epitomeproxima/

Each silent stream counted towards their payout. And the band had accumulated a respectable $20,000 before Spotify shut down the scheme. This audacious move not only funded Vulfpeck’s tour but also brought attention to the plight of musicians struggling to make a living in the age of streaming.

43. Courageous Woman

Human freedom and rights come first in a free society. But this is not the case in a country like Iran. Here, women's rights are actively suppressed, so it's no surprise that they are not even allowed to attend football matches at local stadiums.

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However, this woman behind the net is very brave. She didn't break the rules but she was able to watch the game. Perhaps her brother or father is playing there and she came to support them. For Iran, this is a very brave act worthy of respect.

44. Children's Tricks

We were all children and had our own tricks to get around our parents' prohibitions and watch cartoons in peace. The elders always try to control the kids and set limits. The only thing adults forget is that they were children and loved watching TV too.

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But they don't take into account one thing: no adult has ever been born who could outsmart a child. Children, on the other hand, can almost always do it. It is better to learn how to negotiate with your children to avoid being fooled. Adults should remember that it is better to be friends with children.

45. The First-Class Foodie

A savvy traveler at Xi'an Airport discovered a delicious loophole. He'd purchase a fully refundable first-class ticket, securing access to the VIP lounge with its tantalizing gourmet spread. Instead of boarding his flight, however, he'd simply request a refund, effectively turning his ticket into an all-you-can-eat pass for the swanky lounge.

45. The First-Class Foodie.jpg?format=webp@First Class & VIP Lounges. Xi'an International/

This became his daily routine – buy, dine, refund – repeated an astonishing 300 times over a year. Airline officials eventually caught wind of his scheme and put a stop to his free, first-class feast, leaving the man with nothing but memories from his year of luxury lunches.

46. Margarine's Butter Bluff

The law prevents margarine makers from claiming it was butter. One company bypassed this with a clever - some might say sneaky - tactic. Their packaging proclaimed "I can't believe it's not Butter!" This played on inattentive shoppers who might grab the product thinking it was the real deal.

46. Margarine's Butter Bluff.jpg?format=webp@Susan Campbell/

Unethical? Maybe. Effective? Definitely. After all, for some folks, butter reigns supreme. Who cares about labels when taste buds crave that creamy goodness? This packaging may be a half-truth but for those stuck in the margarine vs butter debate, it might be the perfect solution - a product that (almost) delivers the taste they love.

47. Imagine Blue and Yellow

Czech fans attending the 2022 World Ice Hockey Championship faced a frustrating situation. They wanted to show solidarity with Ukraine by displaying the blue and yellow flag but organizers banned flags from non-participating countries. Not deterred, the fans got creative.

47. Imagine Blue and Yellow.jpg?format=webp@JiriPriban/

They displayed a poster that simply said "Imagine blue and yellow," the colors of the Ukrainian flag. This ingenious solution bypassed the restriction while powerfully conveying their message of support for Ukraine. The poster's message resonated with the crowd, sparking a wave of understanding and solidarity within the arena.

48. Holy Moly! It's a Swingers' Church

A Tennessee club promoter faced a roadblock opening a swinging club near a Christian school. Denied permits, he got clever. Local laws protected schools from nearby clubs but churches weren't mentioned. Taking advantage of this loophole, he built a "Swingers' Church."

48. Holy Moly! It's a Swingers' Church.jpg?format=webp@What happens when a sex club tries calling itself a church?/

The law only vaguely defined a church as a place of gathering with beliefs. Taking advantage of this, the promoter simply renamed the club's rooms - the "dungeon" became a "choir room" and the "game room" a "fellowship hall." This creative rebranding bypassed the zoning restrictions, sparking controversy and raising questions about the legal definition of a church.

49. Reverse Psychology 101

Nathaniel, a student with a knack for thinking outside the box, decided to use reverse psychology to tackle a tricky situation. After acing his exam with an 89.41%, he was too close to an A for comfort and feared the pressure from his parents. So, he took a bold step and wrote to his teacher requesting a lower score.

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Nathaniel’s request was rooted in reverse psychology — a tactic where you express the opposite of what you desire to achieve your true goal. While there's no guarantee this method works every time, his ingenuity showcases how creative thinking can navigate even the most daunting challenges.

50. Why Pay More?

Finding loopholes to save money is a common game. One man in New Orleans faced a $140 weekly parking fee. He noticed a strange rule: if you "lost" your parking ticket, the fee dropped to just $50! Now, while claiming a lost ticket sounds fishy (it probably is), it highlights a poorly designed system.

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Low lost ticket fees compared to the actual parking cost creates a strange temptation. Is it the man's fault for exploiting a system that practically begs to be gamed? This story doesn't endorse the man's actions but it sparks a conversation: are unclear rules an invitation to exploit, or a call for better design?
