Schoolroom Antics That Prove Teachers Have the Best Sense of Humor

15 Aug 2024

Do you think teachers are very boring? They are not. Teachers not only strictly monitor students' behavior and teach them science. They can even troll their students, which is very unusual and interesting, as you can see by reading our article.

1. University Professor Conquers the Internet

An extremely harsh university professor has taken the internet by storm with a hilarious prank intended to torment two unsuspecting students in his class. The photo shows a test that was distributed to a group of students but it was not like a regular lecture.

1. University Professor Conquers the Internet.jpg?format=webp@jaytix1/

First, the mock exam has only one question: "Sit quietly at your desk for a few minutes, stand up, say it was easy, and hand in your test. "Don't say anything to Jerry and Robbie." The professor's unfortunate victims must have faced a real exam. For a while, they couldn't figure out what the assignment was, until five minutes later, when everyone started laughing at them and someone said it was all a joke.

2. T-shirt as Salvation

Are you tired of answering the same questions from your students? Then you must wear this funny T-shirt! It will save you from unnecessary questions and save your nerves. Teachers are more geniuses than you can imagine and they teach it you.

2. T-shirt as Salvation.jpg?format=webp@MushtaqBilalPhD/

Teachers spend a lot of time writing syllabi. But most students don't read them. They inquire about matters that have already been addressed in the syllabus. It's a genius who came up with these T-shirts. They can definitely come in handy and make others laugh.

3. The Game of Words

It is a pity that actress Reese Witherspoon was not among the students. She would have definitely appreciated this joke. The teacher could not help but know such a famous star but he managed to play on her nickname, which came in handy. In addition, in this way, he managed to attract the attention of his students.

3. The Game of Words.jpg?format=webp@obnoxiousblondie-blog/

We think that from that moment on, even if they thought he was boring, their opinion of him changed. And getting positive feedback from your students is a huge reward. It's not enough to be smart to be a good teacher. You need to be able to speak the language of the youth you are teaching from time to time.

4. The Cunning of the Physical Education Teacher

The boys were playing ball and decided to play a joke. They threw the ball up to the ceiling, where it was hard to get it out. All they had to do was tell their PE teacher and ask him to get it. The teacher was not confused. He took out his bow and arrows and began to shoot the ball with them.

4. The Cunning of the Physical Education Teacher.jpg?format=webp@amazingthing/

After a few attempts, he managed to achieve his goal. Now he became a real hero and a great athlete for his students. And being an authority figure for teenagers is a very important thing.  They accurately assessed their teacher's approach.

5. A Chemistry Teacher Turned the Ceiling of His Classroom into the Mendeleev Periodic Table

This creative approach not only decorates the classroom but also serves as a constant reminder to students of the basic elements of chemistry. Every time they look up, they see the periodic table, which helps them consolidate their knowledge and memorize the location of the elements.

5. A Chemistry Teacher Turned the Ceiling of His Classroom into the Mendeleev Periodic Table.jpg?format=webp@teachergoals/

This original teaching method shows how creativity and non-standard approaches can make the learning process more interesting and effective. This is not just a decoration but a tool that helps to deepen knowledge and stimulate interest in the subject.

6. To Make Everyone Afraid and not to Mock

One teacher nailed his student's phone to the wall for using it in class 20 years ago. It is still hanging there as a reminder that you should not use a gadget in class because it is very important to listen to the lecture. This story has become a legend among students and teachers. New generations of students pass by this unusual artifact with fear, remembering its significance.

6. To Make Everyone Afraid and not to Mock.jpg?format=webp@Dansawsumting/

The teacher who performed the deed has long since retired but his lesson about discipline and respect for the educational process remains in the memory of everyone who has seen the phone. When new students enter the classroom for the first time, they are told this story, and it always makes an impression on them. Older students joke about how they have to hide their phones but everyone understands that it's not just a joke.

7. One Invention Already Deserves a Top Score

A teacher in the Philippines asked his engineering students to create their own hats to combat cheating. Each of them was very creative. Just look at the large pipes made of paper for the eyes, which, like huge glasses, do not allow you to spy on anyone in the classroom.

7. One Invention Already Deserves a Top Score.jpg?format=webp@Vaganhope_UAE/

The teacher himself was amazed at the ingenuity of his students. He proudly noted that this exercise not only helped fight cheating but also showed how creative and inventive future engineers can be. It was a great lesson in how thinking outside the box can solve complex problems, even ones like academic honesty.

8. Why You Should Study Chemistry

Not everyone at school liked to study chemistry. Of course, the science is not easy but it is actually very interesting. And if in doubt, read these 10 reasons why you might be interested in chemistry. One teacher got creative with this question.

8. Why You Should Study Chemistry.jpg?format=webp@lastoftheminority/

We really liked two points: that it's a great way to pick up jobs and that terrorists will respect you. And all of this is definitely true. After such motivation, it is impossible not to become interested in such a subject as chemistry.

9. What You Can Do to Stop Students from Cheating

This teacher decided to project his indignant face on the screen to remind his students that he was watching them. During the exam, a huge image of his stern expression hung over the classroom, creating an atmosphere of constant scrutiny. The students, seeing this, could not contain their nervous laughter and at the same time felt under additional pressure.

9. What You Can Do to Stop Students from Cheating.jpg?format=webp@PZ155/

This approach caused a stir in the school and even beyond. Professors from other departments and faculties began to discuss the idea and experiment with their own creative methods of combating cheating. This innovative approach became a symbol of the struggle for honesty in education and demonstrated that even in the most severe situations, there is room for creativity and humor.

10. Biology Teacher Strips off Her Clothes to Show off Her Teaching Costume

This biology teacher is committed to making learning as fun and memorable as possible for her students, and she recently came up with a great way to teach them about the human body. The woman decided to remove all her clothes... revealing a spandex bodysuit with an accurate representation of all the muscles and organs.

10. Biology Teacher Strips off Her Clothes to Show off Her Teaching Costume.jpg?format=webp@TheDailyInsider/

A school teacher from the Netherlands came up with the idea when she saw someone wearing similar leggings. She spent hours searching for a similar costume online and then consulted with the school principal before teaching her first class. Since then, she has been bombarded with students asking when the next lesson like this will be.

11. Be Wise, Don't Miss a Lesson

Remind students that skipping class is a bad idea. You should only go to the bathroom on business, not as an excuse to skip class. Acquiring knowledge means development and new opportunities. Isn't this fact evidence of coolness?

11. Be Wise, Don't Miss a Lesson.jpg?format=webp@This bathroom pass at my school/

After all, knowledge opens many doors and you need to use it. Then you may not have to guard the toilet at school. There is always a choice and it is worth taking advantage of it. And education has never hindered anyone in life. Set high goals for yourself.

12. One Teacher's Policy on Late Assignments

You can't joke with this teacher. He has his principles and he strictly follows them. If one of his students suddenly turns in an assignment later than the deadline, he will be in trouble. His assignment will go straight to the trash can. The teacher believes that discipline and punctuality are the keys to success, and he doesn't allow any exceptions.

12. One Teacher's Policy on Late Assignments.jpg?format=webp@BillisBored/

He is always ready to help those who really want to learn but he will not tolerate negligence and disrespect for the established rules. His approach may seem harsh but those who pass through his hands come out more responsible and ready for the real world.

13. Lost, but Did not Give Up

Once this professor lost his pointer. But he quickly found a way out. Not everyone could do what he did. He took a glowing Star Wars game stick. This moment really touched his students and they began to always attend lectures with this teacher.

13. Lost, but Did not Give Up.jpg?format=webp@adambrukirer/

Now he also no longer wants to use a regular pointer in his classes. It is trite and not interesting. We think other teachers can follow his example. This is a simple and great way to increase your popularity among students. Such simple things fascinate young people and demonstrate the creativity of teachers.

14. Tips from a College Professor

Teachers used to be students too, and they remember those wonderful carefree year when life was just beginning. They haven't forgotten what it means to have fun, to want to sleep more than study, and to go out as long as you can.

14. Tips from a College Professor.jpg?format=webp@NIKA-72/

True, all this looks good on the blackboard. But it's much harder in real life when you have to study and want to get a diploma. And if you also work at the same time, you have to have good time management skills - this is the key to success.

15. A Flowchart from a Smart Teacher

The physics teacher made a flowchart of where he was at. The man was not too lazy to draw such a huge diagram for his students. This definitely demands respect. And his students can learn from his creativity.

15. A Flowchart from a Smart Teacher.jpg?format=webp@Frozen_matter/

There are many different details and highlighted fragments. This diagram can be perceived as a fun hint game that young people need so much. The more creative you are with such things, the higher your chances of appealing to your students.

16. Motivate Your Students

What you can do to get students to start learning your subject. As it turns out, it's not enough to just tell them how important it is for life and work. You also need to encourage students to do well on exams. Everyone benefits from this and it’s a good idea.

16. Motivate Your Students.jpg?format=webp@shutupdangit/

This teacher said that if the class scored 80% on the first exam, he would dress up as Batman for one day. This photo was taken the same day the students received their test results. As you can see, the teacher's promise worked.

17. The Hardest Question on the Exam...

What's the easiest way to fail a student on an exam if they missed the entire course of lectures and don't even know what the teacher looks like? It's very simple. One student shared his story online when he also hadn't been to a single lecture and didn't know his teacher.

17. The Hardest Question on the Exam....jpg?format=webp@SpedyTyyper/

So, the student had one very difficult and unusual question in the test: which of the men in the photo was his teacher? Otherwise, he could have looked at him in the classroom but he sent another lecturer instead. Of course, he did not pass this question. But the next semester he did not miss a single lecture.

18. The Teacher Knows what He is Doing

One student decided that he could skip classes and then just pay me to fix his grades. However, he was unaware of whom he was dealing with. He turned out to be very smart. The teacher was not like that. He came up with a great way to test the student's conscience and ego.

18. The Teacher Knows what He is Doing.jpg?

He wrote in big letters on a poster that he did not deserve to pass the exam but he had a chance to prove the opposite. The student had no chance. So, he still needed to delve into the subject and learn more about it. It's unlikely that he skipped lectures and tried to negotiate grades afterward.

19. Evolution Must Go On

Students noticed a very interesting inscription in the window of a biology professor's office at a local college. It said that every student is the result of billions of years of evolution, so they have to act, and therefore learn, to continue to progress. It's hard to argue with that. The professor emphasizes that evolution has not stopped.

19. Evolution Must Go On.jpg?format=webp@ktbird7/

His approach to teaching includes not only the transfer of knowledge but also the development of critical thinking, research skills, and awareness of one's own responsibility to future generations. Students attending his classes do not just learn biology, they learn to appreciate the place of humans in nature.

20. Love for Math

When a teacher is simply passionate about his or her subject, he or she will not fail to say so under any circumstances. What do you think of the sign that says "Algebro"? The highest level for lovers of higher math. Such a teacher not only imparts knowledge but also inspires his students to love math as much as he does.

20. Love for Math.jpg?format=webp@The coolest math teacher in town/

He knows how to show the beauty and logic of numbers, equations, and formulas, making lessons exciting and interesting. Students who study with such a teacher do not just learn the material, they begin to see math everywhere around them, understanding its meaning and application in everyday life.

21. Quiet, the Teacher is Working

What is your observation of this image? A teacher is sitting in one of his classrooms, working on his computer. But if you look closely, you'll see that it's a fake. In fact, it's a photo wallpaper depicting a working teacher. This creative approach not only adds uniqueness to the classroom but also makes everyone who enters the room smile.

21. Quiet, the Teacher is Working.jpg?format=webp@CantFindBacon/

Photo wallpaper creates the illusion of a teacher's constant presence, even when he or she is not there, reminding us of the importance of hard work and dedication. It can also serve as a kind of incentive for students, emphasizing that learning and self-development are continuous processes.

22. Amazing Van Gogh Costume

An art teacher decided to impress his students and created a costume of the famous artist Van Gogh and came to class in this image. In this way, he motivated his students to be creative with his subject and create themselves. Looking like Van Gogh is not just an interesting idea but also a way to bring art lessons to life, and make them memorable and inspiring.

22. Amazing Van Gogh Costume.jpg?format=webp@vitaefinem/

When the students saw their teacher in this way, they felt excited and interested, which encouraged them to dive deeper into the world of art. The teacher, having turned into an outstanding artist, showed that art is not only about technique and materials but also about imagination, courage, and self-expression. Such creative approaches to teaching help students realize that they can be as unique and talented as the great masters of the past.

23. Great Wisdom from a Professor

A professor of physics made a very ironic comment about people who are not intelligent but do not notice it, believing that they are smart and educated enough. Indeed, a fool never admits his mistakes and considers himself a person with a high IQ. His words were an apt reminder of the importance of self-criticism and the ability to recognize one's own shortcomings.

23. Great Wisdom from a Professor.jpg?format=webp@brockhd/

The professor emphasized that true wisdom lies not only in the amount of knowledge but also in the ability to recognize one's weaknesses and constantly strive for improvement. His ironic commentary makes us think that self-deception can be a serious obstacle to true development.

24. Meme Day at School

What kind of teacher is afraid to organize something funny? This one, for example, organized a "Meme Day" at school as part of the week of the alumni reunion. He decided to test the knowledge, critical thinking, and sense of humor of his former students in this way.

24. Meme Day at School.jpg?format=webp@Ginger_King/

There was a time to study seriously, and now it's time to laugh and remember the good times. School should not only provide basic knowledge but also teach you not to be afraid to be yourself. All this is very important and useful for life in general.

25. Not Everyone Will Understand

The students were actively paying attention to the inscription on the teacher's T-shirt and almost all of them told him that he had forgotten to print the second part. According to them, the T-shirt was defective. But is it really so? Food for thought.

25. Not Everyone Will Understand.jpg?format=webp@Jerrinq/

Not at all. It's just that these students never realized that they had failed the test. However, they have a funny memory for life and they will definitely not forget this teacher with his sense of humor. And such memories are very, very valuable because they teach us something.

26. And Someone Had Such a Fun Chemistry Teacher

Very often, chemistry teachers are very serious and focused individuals. They are proponents of science and believe that such an important subject as chemistry should be treated with respect. We won’t argue with that. However, let’s just rejoice for those students who had the opposite type of chemistry teacher.

26. And Someone Had Such a Fun Chemistry Teacher.jpg?format=webp@[deleted]/

He wasn’t afraid to look funny and once came to his class wearing a humorous T-shirt with a drawing of a woman's body and put on a wig. How could anyone skip his classes after that? Next time, he will probably dress even more creatively.

27. Are You Sure You Want to Marry Bieber?

A teacher creatively got out of an awkward situation. Her students often borrowed pens and pencils from her but forgot to return them. So, she ordered several pencils with the words "I want to marry Bieber" written on them.

27. Are You Sure You Want to Marry Bieber?.jpg?format=webp@Sleal/

From that moment on, the students decided to keep their promise to return what they borrowed and not to joke with the teacher. I wonder how the singer himself would react if he saw such an interesting inscription. Would he have returned the pencil?

28. A Physics Teacher Knows How to Attract Attention

Pokémon is love. Who doesn't know who these funny cartoon characters are among children and not only? They are always as relevant as the Simpsons cartoon series. So, if a teacher really wants his or her topic to be heard, or even more importantly, understood, he or she can use these characters to explain it.

28. A Physics Teacher Knows How to Attract Attention.jpg?format=webp@Aaron Bazil/

It is worth using this life hack. This is a great life hack for all teachers on the planet. It's easy to be interesting, the main thing is to have the desire and be interested in telling the topics of your lesson. Then you'll be sure that your students will love it.

29. How Do Students Cry?

Finding an original way to make students laugh or even cry can be a real teaching art. A teacher labeled his water bottle "Students' Tears" and this creative move immediately attracted attention and caused smiles among students. This joke not only demonstrates the teacher's sense of humor but also creates a light and relaxed atmosphere in the classroom.

29. How Do Students Cry?.jpg?format=webp@cornmeale/

It helps to relax and reduce the level of stress that can accompany learning, making classes more enjoyable and accessible for all participants. This approach emphasizes the importance of a positive approach to learning, where humor and creativity are as important as academic knowledge.

30. Specific Humor

Sometimes teachers go overboard. A student got sick and couldn't come to the exam. This is a good reason. But the teacher decided otherwise. He arranged for her to give an online presentation via Skype. We hope she didn't have a high fever at the time.

30. Specific Humor.jpg?format=webp@[deleted]/

There are cases when you just have to be human and meet the person's needs. In such cases, the exam can be postponed, allowing the person to get sick and recover from the illness. Then the student would be more productive and work to the fullest. 

31. A Mask is not a Barrier

Everyone remembers the Covid-19 times when you couldn't go anywhere without a mask. But you still need to study and no one canceled homework. This teacher put on a Mandalorian mask and came to school. He told his students that they could even do their homework like this, as long as they did it.

31. A Mask is not a Barrier.jpg?format=webp@TheBailzmeister/

A creative approach always plays into your hands and encourages others to work. After all, no matter how you look at it, life goes on, and you need to develop, learn, and move forward. Otherwise, you can create an artificial crisis for yourself.

32. Letter as a Recognition from the Teacher

Teachers are creative and love to come up with all kinds of rewards for their students. At the end of the school year, one teacher made one of these letters with chocolates and inscriptions for each of her students. It was a very extraordinary idea, worthy of attention.

32. Letter as a Recognition from the Teacher.jpg?format=webp@[deleted]/

The children were thrilled to receive these gifts. This unusual letter will definitely remain in their memory forever. It not only gave them a lot of emotions but also celebrated their achievements over the year. Now the children are looking forward to the start of the school year.

33. This Teacher Gives Out Tips

Correcting mistakes is too easy a method to get children to finally remember that they are doing something wrong. But if you write "Try to avoid mistakes" on a word that a proofreader has crossed out, it will make students think. Illustrative examples are among the best.

33. This Teacher Gives Out Tips.jpg?format=webp@BlackpillBinjen/

On the one hand, they will realize that everyone, even their teacher, makes mistakes. On the other hand, they will realize that it doesn't look good. So, there is a chance that they will write more carefully and pay attention to the checking.

34. Be Straightforward

How can you explain the correctness of an essay simply writing to children? Learn from this teacher. He presented his presentation in a simple and very accessible way, explaining in detail how to write an essay. Using clear examples and clear instructions, the teacher broke down the writing process into several steps, each of which was accompanied by visuals.

34. Be Straightforward.jpg?format=webp@[deleted]/

He also advised on structure, topic selection, argumentation, and writing style, emphasizing important details that would help students avoid common mistakes. Thanks to this approach, the students not only understood how to write essays correctly but also gained confidence in their abilities and inspiration for the creative process.

35. It Was Very Simple

Sometimes teachers also get into the position and go the extra mile. No one could have guessed that all the correct answers in the test would be under option B. So, the teacher played a little joke on his students and tested their wits.

35. It Was Very Simple.jpg?format=webp@nvalenzo16/

The students were surprised at first but quickly realized that it was a fun way to teach them to pay attention and not rely on luck alone. This approach helps to create a lighter and friendlier classroom atmosphere where learning can be not only serious but also fun and unexpected.

36. Positive Shame

Shame doesn't have to be all negative. This teacher decided to celebrate her students' mistakes by posting their photos on the school's Shame Wall. Her intention was to help students get rid of shame and accept their mistakes in order to avoid repeating them in the future.

36. Positive Shame.jpg?format=webp@DishonestAbe/

It was all done in the spirit of good fun. It is obvious that the students of this school liked the idea that they voluntarily took on. In addition, it helped to erase the fear of failure and opened the way to positive risk-taking. At least they are not being led around the streets while a nun rings a bell. Shame!

37. Self-Sufficiency

It's not that this teacher doesn't want to be bothered by students' incessant questions. Rather, the teacher is teaching students a lesson in finding answers on their own. It is more useful for students to find their own solutions instead of asking for them.

37. Self-Sufficiency.jpg?format=webp@UvRZ2Wx/

In addition, the teacher feels comfortable not having to answer questions all day, and students learn the art of independence, a value that will serve them well in the long run, both at school and in real life. In truth, it seems like a win-win scenario for the teacher.

38. How to Pull Off an April Fools' Prank

On April Fool's Day, a teacher told her class that the government had made it mandatory to wear shower caps as an extra safety measure during COVID-19. The students were shocked at first but if the government said so, they agreed to wear them.

38. How to Pull Off an April Fools' Prank.jpg?format=webp@flacid_pianist/

As it turned out later, the teacher was joking but managed to take a picture of her students in full uniform. This joke not only made the class laugh but also showed how important it is to have a sense of humor and be able to relax even while studying.

39. Are You Ready?

When you start an exam, time passes very quickly. It's hard to disagree with this statement. But an extra reminder never hurts. Especially when the exam is important and you need to pass it well. A teacher is always ready to support his or her students.

39. Are You Ready?.jpg?format=webp@Anastasia Papas/

Such funny reminders also cheer you up. So, it turns out that the teacher not only teaches science but also develops a sense of humor. So, catch the moments, such life hacks may come in handy in life. Perhaps one day you will also become a teacher.

40. The Teacher Has This in his Room

This professor is brutally cold and outspoken; Pluto would die in his arms at temperatures below freezing - and Pluto is the coldest planet in the solar system. Unfortunately, Pluto - according to this professor - did join the choir invisibly.

40. The Teacher Has This in his Room.jpg?format=webp@Skwuruhl/

Those who mourn Pluto's non-existent status can take comfort in the fact that Pluto may not have been a legitimate planet anyway - to those who feel that this statement is rubbing salt in an already gaping open wound, we apologize. To be completely honest, we miss Pluto as a planet. It was, in fact, the younger brother of the solar system.

41. Music Teacher with a Great Sense of Humor

Isn't he right? He correctly wrote that learning to play a musical instrument at home is much easier than solving complex mathematical formulas. Of course, if one of the students is a mathematician, he or she will be happy to solve various problems.

41. Music Teacher with a Great Sense of Humor.jpg?format=webp@daddyhoffmang/

But when math is a difficult science for a student, it is easier to learn music. In addition, it is also fun. Because it's impossible not to love music. Even if you don't become a musician, you will have a good ear, which is a plus for many professions.

42. Professor Considers Himself a Comedian

Spring is not available: This was made by a teacher who teaches in Rochester, New York. He is not very happy with the fact that it rarely springs in New York State. It seems like winter jumps from summer to summer out of nowhere. This teacher has decided to share all this news with his students and make them feel as sad as he is.

42. Professor Considers Himself a Comedian .jpg?format=webp@athingunique/

This teacher's approach not only entertained the class but also helped them realize that sometimes you should look at things with humor, even if they seem serious. It was also a great way to create a warm and friendly atmosphere where students felt more relaxed and ready to learn.

43. It's Time to Learn

When the lesson starts, you should not count down to the break but concentrate on the subject. This will be beneficial and have a positive impact on the student's knowledge. Realizing this, one of the teachers simply taped the clock and attached the words "It's Time to Learn" to it. How can you argue when it's all about business?

43. It's Time to Learn.jpg?format=webp@TheHayKing/

This creative approach helps students understand that the time spent in class should be as productive and useful as possible. Instead of constantly looking at the clock and waiting for the lesson to end, students receive a clear signal to focus on their studies.

44. Monday Quiz

Have you ever wondered why sometimes young boys suddenly disappear and stop liking and responding to your messages? One teacher answered the girls. "It's just that guys have a Monday Quiz and they have to prepare well for it.

44. Monday Quiz.jpg?format=webp@funny-teachers/

If this is the case, then you should wait for such a guy and give him a chance, because he wants to be smart and have a good profession. This means that over time, he has a chance to become even more interesting and you will be very comfortable with him.

45. A Wise Decision

Teachers are people too, and they want to rest during the holidays. So, sometimes even the strictest of them give easy tests before the holidays so that everyone can have a rest, including teachers. It's very nice and deserves extra attention.

45. A Wise Decision.jpg?format=webp@My math professor gives the hardest quizzes/

Life is too short not to live it. Of course, you need to study but breaks between studies are also important. When a person recovers his or her strength and receives positive emotions, he or she is more enthusiastic about working.

46. Not Another Word

A teacher took her favorite TV series very seriously and decided to warn her students, who seemed to like to spoil her, not to tell her what was going to happen in advance. Otherwise, they would be in trouble. She wrote a warning on the board.

46. Not Another Word.jpg?format=webp@superman743/

And it immediately caught the students' attention and made them think about the possible consequences. This creative approach not only demonstrated her sense of humor but also set some boundaries to be followed. The students quickly realized that spoiler jokes were best left outside the classroom.

47. Note for Teachers in Charge of Summer School

No matter how much we love our family, sometimes, like this teacher, we want to run away from it. Why? Just to be alone and watch a movie on Netflix. But how can you do this without being judged? Here is a bold life hack from a teacher.

47. Note for Teachers in Charge of Summer School.jpg?format=webp@ReadingRambo17/

He honestly wrote that he just wants to relax but at home, he will say that he is just going to work. And then you can go home with renewed energy and no longer be annoyed by trifles. A great way to restore energy, which is often lacking due to a lack of strength.

48. A Teacher with Bold Ideas

If you take a banal photo for your students' yearbook, they are unlikely to remember you as vividly. Take a cue from this cool and funny English teacher. He found an interesting way to make an unforgettable photo. He looks very funny and definitely bright.

48. A Teacher with Bold Ideas.jpg?format=webp@iamaproudteacher.offical/

Because he understands that children remember most interesting stories, and funny situations, and charismatic teachers who are not afraid to stand out and be kind to their students. This is a great bonus to the teaching profession. So, train your skills.

49. Troll Teacher

Teachers can be quite the jokers, especially when it comes to exams. This time, however, the students had a tough time at all. The teacher decided to make most of the answers incorrect, which stumped all the students without exception.

49. Troll Teacher.jpg?format=webp@TreesRNoMakeMeDumb/

Pranks are a favorite pastime of this teacher. In this way, he trains his students' critical thinking and broadens their horizons. Such skills are also very important and teach students to think outside the box and be more imaginative.

50. No Negotiations

The teacher takes his grading principles very seriously and does not want to discuss them with students who are trying to negotiate for higher grades. To avoid uncomfortable conversations and to emphasize his attitude towards such situations, he decided to take an unconventional approach. On his desk, he has a mask with a disgruntled face painted on it.

50. No Negotiations.jpg?format=webp@MarkArto/

When one of the students tries to approach him with a request to review the grade, the teacher simply puts on this mask. This step immediately makes it clear that there will be no discussion on this topic. This not only saves him time but also demonstrates to the students that grades are based solely on knowledge and effort, not on agreement.
