Hilarious Photoshop Fails That Show Why You Shouldn't Believe Everything You See Online

25 Jul 2024

If you want a great figure, and a perfect face, but don't want to work on it, Photoshop and video masks can help. However, only you are responsible for the result of this approach. And one more thing - don't think that no one will notice, especially if you don't know how to use all these tools properly. The funniest photos of bloggers who were shamed for abusing masks and Photoshop.

1. Internet Fairy Transformation

This girl decided to impress everyone with her inability to use Photoshop. She probably thought that no one would notice how badly she had adjusted her figure. She got so carried away that she unrealistically slimmed down her waist and stretched herself in one photo, and in another, she lifted her backside.

1. Internet Fairy Transformation.jpg?format=webp@helibear90/reddit.com

You can judge for yourself what happened by looking at these two photos. A distorted figure of a beautiful young woman. Was there a reason to do this? I don't think so. It's much better to be yourself, emphasizing your best features, and everyone has them. If you are not satisfied with your appearance, it is better to work on yourself rather than create an illusion.

2. Could it Be Her Sister in the Car?

The girl carefully photoshopped herself in a photo near a car, trying to create the perfect image. She adjusted her face, changing its contours to make it look perfect and more attractive. However, in the pursuit of perfection, she forgot about one important detail: her reflection in the car window.

2. Could it Be Her Sister in the Car?.jpg?format=webp@Orsoinpiedi/facciabuco.com

In the final photo, it became clear that the girl in the reflection looked completely different from the one she tried to create with Photoshop. The reflection showed her real face, unaltered by corrections. Thus, the photo turned out to have two different girls: the idealized version in the real frame and the real one in the window reflection.

3. Muscles Built Up with Photoshop

There are rumors that women are only attracted to men with muscles but this is not true. The main thing in a man is something else entirely: his inner attractiveness, sense of humor, generosity, and ability to keep his word. Good looks are an added bonus; other things make a man masculine.

3. Muscles Built Up with Photoshop.jpg?format=webp@Significant-Break-74/reddit.com

However, some guys believe that the main thing is to show off your muscles and a woman is yours. It's good when you have those muscles but what if you don't? Then the worst thing that can come to mind is to use Photoshop instead of dumbbells or barbells and create the coveted broad shoulders and muscles that grow not through sports and steroids but through online tools.

4. She Fell Victim to the Classic "Small Head, Big Butt" Syndrome

This photo was supposed to be of a beautiful young woman but something went wrong. She decided that she wasn't too beautiful according to modern trends and that she should get as close to the trends as possible. So, the woman shrunk her head, put on the brightest makeup possible, and enlarged her butt.

4. She Fell Victim to the Classic @Affectionate_Bee_122/reddit.com

Now her photos are trending. Not the most artistic photos, though; rather, the ones that make people chuckle and ask a lot of "Why?". Perhaps if this woman had corrected herself in the photo quite imperceptibly, the public would not have reacted so strongly, but she made a different choice.

5. Influencer Forgets Reality

The Danish influencer is probably not happy with her figure at all. Although, in fact, she looks very good. But when she decided to experiment with Photoshop, it went way overboard. She unrealistically lengthened her legs and made her stomach super flat. Fortunately, she doesn't look like that in real life.

5. Influencer Forgets Reality.jpg?format=webp@crazynesz/reddit.com

It would seem that the desire to create the perfect image for social media has become so obsessive that reality has ceased to meet these far-fetched standards. The virtual world has become a space where you can play with your own appearance, changing every detail of your body to achieve the perfect picture. But the problem is that this ideal picture rarely coincides with a real person.

6. She Didn't Realize She Messed Up

She was trying so hard to reduce her waist in the photo that she didn't notice how she created the effect of hills in the ocean. Of course, even without the unexpected blunder involving the ocean, online users noticed the overuse of photo editing by the girl. Her waist instantly appeared disproportionate to her body, and it looked as if it might snap at any moment.

6. She Didn't Realize She Messed Up.jpg?format=webp@Corriere/x.com

The funny thing is that the girl insisted to the last that she really had such a figure and had not used Photoshop at all. But attentive people cannot be fooled. Moreover, you shouldn't deceive yourself in the first place. It's much more important to learn to accept yourself and love who you are.

7. Is it a Ghost?

When you look at this photo, it gives the impression that there's a ghost depicted next to a living man. But it's much more trivial than that: the girl is a huge Photoshop fan. She is so fond of this program that there is not a single normal live photo left on her social media page, all of them are distorted.

7. Is it a Ghost?.jpg?format=webp@pastaONwheels/reddit.com

It's to the extent that the woman doesn't accept herself if she can't post any photos of her real self. But no matter what other users of the network write to her, this woman continues to Photoshop herself. Well, we can only sympathize with this lady and advise her to raise her self-esteem to the proper level.

8. Her Instagram VS Her YouTube Channel

The girl in the top and bottom photos is the same person but it's not immediately obvious. On Instagram, she actively Photoshopped herself into an anime girl, while on her YouTube channel, she remains herself. Her love for anime played a cruel joke on her and made her actively create a different persona — and that's sad.

8. Her Instagram VS Her YouTube Channel.jpg?format=webp@LordCodu/reddit.com

I hope for a time when people will start embracing their individuality and valuing it, rather than chasing after trends. It's much better to stand out from the crowd not through Photoshop but through genuine strengths and uniqueness.

9. Altering Your Ethnicity to Something Completely Different

The girl in the photo didn't just add a tan; she went as far as transforming herself to look like someone of a different race altogether. In the left photo, her skin tone was dramatically darkened, creating the impression of a mixed-race person. Alongside this change, she dyed her hair a deep shade and applied strikingly vibrant makeup.

9. Altering Your Ethnicity to Something Completely Different.jpg?format=webp@killallkillmyself/reddit.com

It can be quite difficult to accept when people change their appearance through photo processing. Sometimes such changes can be not only to the appearance but also to the person's very identity. It is important to distinguish between reality and Photoshop, especially in the context of cultural sensitivity and respect for different races and identities.

10. Another Victim of Photoshop

The guy started going to the gym but decided that it took too long to achieve the changes he wanted. So, he decided to use Photoshop tools to improve, in his opinion, his appearance. No, he didn't draw extra muscles on himself but he significantly increased his height, which caused laughter among internet users.

10. Another Victim of Photoshop.jpg?format=webp@Miss_Marieee/reddit.com

His body immediately began to look disproportionate and inharmonious. One girl, who, judging by her comment, knew him personally, wrote that she was disappointed by this photo because she thought he was quite an attractive guy even without Photoshop.

11. Long Arms

At first glance, this is an absolutely normal photo. But only at first glance. Just look at the super long arm of this lady. This woman decided that she should lengthen it with the help of a photo editor. Perhaps she thought her arm was too short and it didn't look aristocratic.

11. Long Arms.jpg?format=webp@[deleted]/reddit.com

But I'm sure that before the editing, everything was quite aesthetically pleasing, and the result was funny. If you are faced with the choice of enlarging or reducing something in Photoshop, choose the option of not touching anything and you will not lose.

12. How Much Slimmer Could She Be?

When you look at this girl's waist, it seems that she suffers from anorexia. But it only seems so. Just compare her upper body with her lower body and everything falls into place. A girl with a good figure decided that she was not too slim for her followers and sought help from a photo editor.

12. How Much Slimmer Could She Be?.jpg?format=webp@RevolutionaryDiet602/reddit.com

There are not enough words to describe what happened. Was there really that much need for Photoshop? To avoid doing such stupid things, you should just work on your self-esteem, and then the situation with your photos and attitude will change for the better.

13. Haters Will Claim It's Been Edited

An elderly lady decided to rejuvenate herself with Photoshop. But she changed not only the look of her skin but also her body, giving it unprecedented shapes. She enlarged her breasts, slimmed her waist, and unrealistically added volume to her hips.

13. Haters Will Claim It's Been Edited.jpg?format=webp@JimmyButlerMVP_/reddit.com

However, the woman forgot to correct her face to match her body. After the photo was published, she noted that all the bad comments came from haters who did not believe that she looked like that in real life. Do we believe that she is telling the truth?

14. It's as if She Sees a Completely Different Face in the Mirror

Women who try so hard to photoshop themselves are often inattentive. They often forget about their image, for example, in the mirror, and then there is no way to get away with saying that you look like you do in real life. Of course, you can try to prove that you photoshopped your image.

14. It's as if She Sees a Completely Different Face in the Mirror.jpg?format=webp@uaef19/reddit.com

At least this way you have a chance to get out of the situation with humor. Otherwise, you will have to deal with negative comments and ridicule from your followers for a long time. But if you don't abuse photo editing, you won't have any problems at all.

15. The Victim of Social Media

Another victim of Photoshop has severely reduced her waistline. The saddest thing is for many girls who come across her Instagram and start comparing themselves to her, it will come as a shock. They will think that their figure is not perfect and that they need to do something urgently.

15. The Victim of Social Media.jpg?format=webp@petuniabunny/reddit.com

However, there is another side to the coin. This girl was also made to believe that she needed to look super slim, using Photoshop to achieve that. These are all side effects of using social media that impose other realities. Always approach what is presented as a trend on the internet with skepticism.

16. What is Going on Here?

This girl, according to her followers, likes to experiment with "plastic surgery", which she actively does with the help of Photoshop tools, online. She looks more and more strange and unrealistic. But she doesn't seem to want to notice it.

16. What is Going on Here?.jpg?format=webp@BeezCee/reddit.com

This girl takes offense to constructive criticism and refuses to open her eyes to the truth. A great example is a photo with too long legs wearing huge sneakers. She enlarged her legs but did not reduce her shoes. Now people write to her about clown shoes.

17. Like a Doll

This woman has a lot of followers. People follow her to see her incredible and unhealthy transformations. The blogger undergoes several plastic surgeries every year and also abuses Photoshop. Nowadays, she doesn't look much like a real person, more like a doll.

17. Like a Doll.jpg?format=webp@aldwin-aldwin/reddit.com

But she really likes all these experiments on herself both in reality and online. This is, of course, surprising but even more surprising are the followers who are so interested that they are ready to follow this lady all the time. Perhaps the courage to change her appearance so much?

18. And Men Are No Different...

Until now, you didn't know what 'too much' really means. This guy photoshopped his waistline. He didn't take into account that a narrower waist is desirable in bodybuilding but what he did is just ridiculous. Some commenters under his photo wrote that maybe he was planning to change his gender.

18. And Men Are No Different....jpg?format=webp@PigInJail/reddit.com

But even a woman doesn't have those proportions. Bodybuilders don't plan to look like women. They want to have a muscular upper body, thick thighs and buttocks. But maybe this athlete just wants to look like a lion. In this case, a very thin waist is needed.

19. Don't Fool Your Followers

Good self-care is a necessary thing. Thanks to cosmetic procedures and exercise, even in your older years, you can look very beautiful and younger than your years. But when your care is limited to a photo editor, it's not care, it's an opportunity to deceive yourself.

19. Don't Fool Your Followers.jpg?format=webp@diveonfire/reddit.com

A woman posted a photo in which she seems to be many times thinner and has a beautifully polished face. But cunning followers found her real photo, which she posted a few days before the new one. The difference is visible to the naked eye.

20. The Photographer is not From God

She's a very pretty 50-year-old woman... but this montage is just awful! Her "professional" photographer couldn't even try to make her look thinner? A true master of photography must also be a good psychologist. He could have created masterpiece photos that would have raised the woman's self-esteem.

20. The Photographer is not From God.jpg?format=webp@Kpre813/reddit.com

But he decided to do it with Photoshop, which is extremely unpleasant. After all, there are many advantageous poses for photos that will show the model in the best light and Photoshop is not needed for this at all. He just needs to be a master of his craft.

21. What's Wrong with Their Legs?

The desire to have "perfect" legs has led many girls to use photo editors to make their legs longer, slimmer, and look proportionally larger than they actually are. This phenomenon can be seen everywhere: on Instagram, TikTok, and other platforms where people post their retouched images, holding themselves up to unrealistic standards.

21. What's Wrong with Their Legs?.jpg?format=webp@vampirebuffy/reddit.com

The girls in the photo are very keen on enlarging their legs for photos. Their followers, seeing such "ideals," begin to doubt their own appearance and try to achieve the same "results" in real life. This may result in eating problems, low self-esteem, and body dissatisfaction.

22. Who are You, Woman?

Do you think there are two different women in the photo? No, it's the same person. It's just that this blogger decided to experiment with her appearance in a photo editor and created a completely different person, maybe even a woman of a different race.

22. Who are You, Woman?.jpg?format=webp@WinterPlanet/reddit.com

Huge lips, cat eyes, dark skin, and black hair - it's hard to recognize her as a cute blonde with a natural charm. We hope she will eventually accept herself and at least not decide to have plastic surgery. Spoiling natural beauty is a bad idea.

23. Perfect Smile

Money for teeth whitening fell short but it's no problem when there's software like Photoshop available. As a bonus, the perfectly polished face can't help but please but only this guy. For other users of the network, this terribly processed image only made them laugh.

23. Perfect Smile.jpg?format=webp@friendliestbug/reddit.com

Cultural standards of beauty are constantly changing and evolving but with social media, this process can happen even faster and have a significant impact on individual perceptions of their own appearance. It's important to remember that the ideal of beauty is a subjective concept, and everyone has the right to their own uniqueness and individuality.

24. What's Going on with Korean Influencers?

A lot of Korean bloggers are just crazy about photo editing. But it would be okay if it was just a simple color correction and light face retouching. Here, it's much more serious. Korean influencers photoshop everything to the max: from the eyes to the chest.

24. What's Going on with Korean Influencers?.jpg?format=webp@AlternativeSonGoku/reddit.com

They have decided that the bigger (giant) your eyes and breasts are, the more beautiful and impressive you look. But sometimes it would be useful for them to look at themselves from the outside. Such editing is not just unaesthetic but very ugly. So, we should reconsider our attitude to such programs.

25. Friend Exposed Another Friend

It was unexpected when the friend of the girl on the left posted an unedited photo of them together on her social media page and tagged her. To make matters worse, the girl had heavily photoshopped herself, editing out extra weight. Perhaps, after this incident, their friendship came to an end.

25. Friend Exposed Another Friend.jpg?format=webp@Traditional_Yam_1142/reddit.com

The unedited photo starkly contrasted with the heavily edited images the girl had been posting on her own social media profiles. It exposed not only the disparity between reality and the curated online persona but also raised questions about authenticity and self-image in the age of digital manipulation.

26. Hand from Horror Movies

This hand looks more like something unreal and comes from a horror movie. The owner of this hand has unbelievably lengthened it, reducing her wrist so much that it looks thicker than her two fingers together. How else is it possible?

26. Hand from Horror Movies.jpg?format=webp@MelanieSenpai/reddit.com

Perhaps she was joking with her subscribers in this way and just forgot to write about it. I really want to believe that. Otherwise, how can you explain a person posting such strange photos on their page? It's all beyond all understanding.

27. The Unfortunate Consequences of Photoshop

Some girls have such a great desire to look slim that it simply overshadows their minds. Of course, someone goes on a diet, someone goes to the gym, and someone doesn't have the patience for it, so they start to correct their figure with the help of photo editor tools.

27. The Unfortunate Consequences of Photoshop.jpg?format=webp@Her belly and hand tho/imgur.com

This girl is a bad user of such programs. Of course, she narrowed her waist but very badly. While editing, she literally blurred her hand so that it became difficult to distinguish her fingers. It is very difficult to hide these things from your subscribers.

28. A Woman Didn't Recognize Herself

In the fairy tale, Cinderella was visited by the Fairy Godmother, who made the girl a real princess. Nowadays, for many people, this fairy is Photoshop. But there is a significant difference between them: The fairy did not change the appearance of her goddaughter, she only worked as her stylist.

28. A Woman Didn't Recognize Herself.jpg?format=webp@ClearCrimson/reddit.com

But Photoshop, if abused, completely corrects both the face and body of a person. Unskilled people do it in a completely unbelievable way, as happened with this photo. The woman has certainly lost a few years here but why did the photographer change her skin color?

29. Strange Proportions

Perhaps this body was simply attached to a head that was so small? Otherwise, how can we explain such incongruous proportions when the body is strikingly larger than the head? This photo is rather repulsive than evocative.

29. Strange Proportions.jpg?format=webp@Kingmenudo/reddit.com

The girl probably wanted to look like the famous socialite Kim Kardashian, and decided that Photoshop would help her do it. However, the celebrity's body looks harmonious, but this woman's does not. It is best to be yourself in any unclear situation.

30. It Looks Unnatural

Some people are overweight, some are underweight, and some are complexed by their short or medium height. This lady is a runner. Her body is fit and it is clearly visible. You would think, what else does she need? But it turns out there is a nuance.

30. It Looks Unnatural.jpg?format=webp@The_Chosen_Pun_/reddit.com

It turns out that she wanted to have an unnaturally elongated body. Perhaps it was supposed to bring her good luck in the competition? It is not known. But in reality, such manipulations in Photoshop will definitely not bring additional centimeters to your height.

31. Chinese Influencers Bait Their Followers with Heavily Altered Photos

Catching fish with live bait is not a pleasant and sometimes downright ugly experience, especially in the case of two Chinese influencers who have been using doctored photos to attract crowds of followers. The two friends, users of the Chinese social network Xiaohonghshu, were exposed by Facebook user Ex.Treme for posting digital photos that made them look more attractive than they are.

31. Chinese Influencers Bait Their Followers with Heavily Altered Photos.jpg?format=webp@CharlieXBravo/reddit.com

Ex.Treme posted the couple's "before" and "after" photos, which starkly demonstrate the difference between them in real life and on Xiaohongshu, China's Instagram. In the photos the girls shared publicly, they look doll-like, doe-eyed, and demure. In the photos published by Ex.Treme, the women are fatter, with wider noses and spotted skin.

32. Crazy Trends

And again, a photoshopped waist. This is probably a trend among influencers. You can see that this girl works out in the gym and has good shape. But for some reason, she decided to narrow her waist too much. It appears as though she is going to break. It seems that this trend has gone overboard.

32. Crazy Trends.jpg?format=webp@dogsstevens/reddit.com

The worst thing is that someone might take it for granted and try to lose weight like that or resort to plastic surgery for the sake of unrealistic parameters. In a world of insane amounts of information, you need to be able to filter it and not fall for various fakes.

33. Big Breasts Disappeared

A girl in a helicopter posted two photos with one significant difference - in one of them she has huge breasts. In the first photo, she is looking at the camera with self-confidence, emphasizing her shape. However, the next image shows a completely different picture - her bust is significantly reduced, which seems almost unrealistic.

33. Big Breasts Disappeared.jpg?format=webp@mrleefty/reddit.com

Photoshop is becoming an increasingly popular tool for correcting appearance, and this example only emphasizes how far people can go to change their image online. In this case, the girl may have used the editing not only to enhance her forms but also to spark discussion and attract attention.

34. The Crooked Mirror

The guy in the photo assured his followers that he didn't use Photoshop, he just took the picture in a crooked mirror. But there is a nuance. Judging by the edges of the mirror, it doesn't look crooked. It just looks unnaturally curved.

34. The Crooked Mirror.jpg?format=webp@cozmoedoesstuff/reddit.com

How can this be done without using photo editing tools? I have no idea. If you want to edit yourself somehow, then do it correctly, or don't do it at all. I think the latter option is a win-win. So, don't rush to resort to artificial tools to improve your appearance.

35. They Just Didn't Tell Her That She Made the Photo Unattractive

Here's a question: did this woman have bad plastic surgery or did she just use a simple photo editor to improve her appearance? We think it was a simple Photoshop or filter. Her eyes narrowed and her face became perfectly smoothed. In addition, the ear was blurred.

35. They Just Didn't Tell Her That She Made the Photo Unattractive.jpg?format=webp@Amyseee/reddit.com

Sometimes the desire to look beautiful in a photo goes to the point of absurdity. People begin to resort to various manipulations: they edit their photos in various ways and apply masks or filters. Nevertheless, it would be good for them to ask others for their opinion, who would tell them how aesthetically pleasing the photo is before it is published.

36. Like Two Different Women

Just look at this transformation: on the left is a girl with an edited face and filters, on the right is her natural appearance. The difference is tangible. If you don't know better, you might think that these are two completely different people who are not even related to each other.

36. Like Two Different Women.jpg?format=webp@Koshka69/reddit.com

Life on the Internet is completely different. It's a different reality, and that's how you should perceive it. Not everything that appears online corresponds to ordinary life. This should be taken into account. However, such things should be told so that this distorted presentation of information does not negatively affect the lives of other people.

37. Better, Slimmer, Higher

On the left is a photo from the official account of the show in which this blogger participated, and on the right is from her personal page on the social network. It is immediately obvious that she has rounded her hips and lengthened her legs. She just didn't take into account that someone would find both pictures and post them online for comparison.

37. Better, Slimmer, Higher.jpg?format=webp@MoeApple2/reddit.com

Such things are noticed very quickly, especially when you are a popular person in the information space. If you don't want to get into unpleasant situations, it's better not to mess around with editing, especially when someone else has your photo and can easily use it.

38. His Teeth are Brighter than His Future

Obviously, the guy used Photoshop or another editor to achieve such an impressive result. While white teeth have always been a symbol of health and beauty, over-bleaching them can have the opposite effect - making them look unnatural and even comical.

38. His Teeth are Brighter than His Future.jpg?format=webp@[deleted]/reddit.com

This situation illustrates how important it is to have a measure when using digital tools to improve your appearance. Striving for the perfect image can lead to a person losing the realism of their appearance, which can be noticeable and even funny to others.

39. Not Finished

This couple from the United States wanted to get likes on Instagram by sharing a love shot but went too far when it came to editing their waistline. The girl made herself a very flat stomach and accidentally adjusted her boyfriend's belly line.

39. Not Finished.jpg?format=webp@SHLOMS/x.com

The girl didn't even notice how she unnaturally curved his waist and cut off his hips. It's strange that she didn't notice this, while this photo became a literal meme on the web, and users made fun of the girl's ability to use a photo editor.

40. Photoshop Doesn't Know what Aging is

People rarely share photos showing signs of natural aging online, especially bloggers. A woman took a good photo of her face and then shared it online. But shortly after her photoshoot, an acquaintance took another photo where she is depicted as she actually looks in real life.

40. Photoshop Doesn't Know what Aging is.jpg?format=webp@Schaden_Frood/reddit.com

On the right is an older woman with a lot of wrinkles and pale skin. This is a completely different effect of the photo. Sometimes fate plays a cruel joke on us, or maybe even just puts everything in its place fairly. You should be prepared for this, especially when someone takes a picture of you and can post it online.

41. Giant Hand

Didn't this lady realize that she had enlarged her hand to a giant size? Perhaps she used artificial intelligence to edit her photo and it processed her hand that way? It looks very funny. If her goal was to stir up her followers, she did a great job.

41. Giant Hand.jpg?format=webp@Leathermoss/reddit.com

But if she just wanted to improve herself in the photo and then put it online, it was clearly a bad idea. Although it's likely that she wanted to show off her new bracelets to the public and chose this bizarre way to express herself.

42. Don't Believe What You See on the Web

It is very important. Make it a rule: never compare yourself to people in social media photos. They actually look quite familiar in real life, at least. Makeup plus incredible photo processing with retouching changes a person beyond recognition.

42. Don't Believe What You See on the Web.jpg?format=webp@Prestigious-Course64/reddit.com

Every day we come across perfectly retouched images that radiate perfection. These images create the illusion of a perfect life and unsurpassed beauty. However, behind these flawless photos are often hours of preparation: professional makeup, well-designed clothes, lighting, angles, and, of course, Photoshop.

43. Like a Character from a Cartoon

Sometimes people get so carried away with various programs that retouch their appearance that they start to lose sight of reality. The man in the photo did not realize that he had turned himself into a cartoon character. This is the effect of the program in which he edited his photo.

43. Like a Character from a Cartoon.jpg?format=webp@ahadtheking/reddit.com

Perhaps the man was planning to put this photo as his avatar on a dating app to attract girls but it is unknown. And what is clear is that this man was abusing the editing tools. He must have forgotten that girls need to be attracted to actions, not photos.

44. Unexpected Bonuses

Oh, those influencers! They want to stand out from the crowd and constantly increase their audience so much that they are willing to do anything, including editing themselves as much as possible in photos without thinking about the consequences.

44. Unexpected Bonuses.jpg?format=webp@marrewerre/reddit.com

This blogger overdid it with Photoshop and got an extra belly button as a bonus. What do you think? Perhaps she didn't notice this defect, or perhaps she hoped that others wouldn't see it.

45. Blackfishing?

This is very similar to blackfishing. The blogger decided to completely change her skin color and become a mixed-race girl, though only in the photo. She probably decided that it would make her look better but her followers thought it was too much. Such actions can raise serious questions about ethics and respect for cultural identity.

45. Blackfishing?.jpg?format=webp@[deleted]/reddit.com

When people change their appearance to mimic another race, they may unknowingly reinforce stereotypes or diminish the experiences and struggles of those who actually belong to that race. Moreover, it may appear to be an attempt to appropriate cultural elements that are deeply meaningful to those of that ethnic group.

46. Lies are Everywhere

If you didn't know that both photos were of the same person, you would think that the top one was of a daughter and the bottom one was of her mother. There is no shame in being older. But if you don't look that young in real life, you shouldn't edit your photos so much. It's off-putting because it shows a tendency to lie and proves that you shouldn't believe it.

46. Lies are Everywhere.jpg?format=webp@racek_/reddit.com

Social media encourages us to create perfect images. But authenticity and honesty are what people really value. When you show yourself as you really are, it inspires more trust and respect. Being yourself, with your flaws and age-related changes, is not only natural but also beautiful.

47. Such a Small Leg

If it wasn't for the puncture wound with a leg that looks surprisingly small, no one would have noticed that something was wrong with this photo. The girl was definitely shrinking her body, and as a side effect, she got an unnatural right leg. These photo editors are so mean. They ruin the best moment.

47. Such a Small Leg.jpg?format=webp@wine4cats/reddit.com

It was just a matter of being a little more careful, cropping the photo somehow, and no one would have realized that something was wrong with it. But as you know, everything secret is exposed sooner or later. So, when you work with a large audience, you shouldn't joke about such things.

48. Alter Ego

If you are shown on various talk shows from time to time, it means that they know exactly what you look like in real life. So you definitely don't want to change yourself beyond recognition on social media. This blogger is shy about her cheeks and always makes expressive cheekbones in her Instagram photos.

48. Alter Ego.jpg?format=webp@ratboi213/reddit.com

He should realize that, on the one hand, social media is an important tool for communication and self-expression. On the other hand, the pressure to create the perfect image and frequent changes in appearance can lead to a loss of identity. It is important to maintain a balance between how we present ourselves online and who we are in real life without losing our unique personality.

49. Deception is not an Option

Just by looking at the photo, you can guess that the girl on the left is the same as the one on the right. It's always good to work on yourself, to build on your strengths, and constantly develop. But when you do it in an artificial way, you are only deceiving yourself.

49. Deception is not an Option.jpg?format=webp@Puzzleheaded-Web709/reddit.com

Many people dream of being someone other than themselves. This is the main reason why they are so active in changing their appearance on social media, using various tools that help them edit their photos. But there is another important point: by deceiving themselves, they believe they can do it to others.

50. At Least She is Honest...

This blogger honestly admits that she photoshopped her photo. She probably decided to post this photo for herself to motivate herself to go to the gym to achieve the desired results. On the one hand, it's cool, and it can be a life hack for someone.

50. At Least She is Honest.jpg?format=webp@ErraticSherlockian/reddit.com

But despite this, it's still a fiction and you need to motivate yourself with real results. With regular training, they will become visible. But people still need to fantasize in some way to motivate themselves to the maximum. What you do is the reality.
